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Registration for the Venice Open Water – Nuadalonga 2023 is now open


On June 11th the third edition of the Venice Open Water competition is back!

Venice Open Water – Nuadalogna is a swimming competition starting from the Blue Moon beach resort on Venice Lido and it is back on June 11th.


The competition village will be open in the morning and the swimmers will compete in three categories:

  • NuotaSprint (non-competitive, open to non-professional athletes) is a competition with an approximate distance of 800 meters on a rectangular course marked by buoys in the sea area in front of the Blue Moon beach;
  • NuotaIlMiglio (competitive, for professional athletes) is a competition that is about one nautical mile (1852 meters) long on a rectangular course along the sea area in front of the beach resorts of Venezia Spiagge (Blue Moon and A Zone), with turning buoys near Des Bains beach resort;
  • Nuota3.5k (competitive, for professional athletes) is a competition with an approximate distance of 3500 meters on a rectangular course that must be completed twice, along the sea area in front of the beach resorts of Venezia Spiagge (Blue Moon and A Zone), with turning buoys near Des Bains beach resort.


Consorzio Venezia e il suo Lido offers to participants and their escorts a 15% discount for hotel stays on June 09-10-11th by booking them from this website.

Go to the BOOK NOW section, insert the arrival and departure dates and enter the code VOW23 in the “convention code” field to get the discount.

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