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Music pervades the church of Santa Maria Elisabetta


Until October 14, the Proloco of Lido di Venezia and Pellestrina brings to life the fourth edition of the Lido Incontra project, the biennial festival that aims to deepen the relationships woven by Venice with other cultures, seeking to understand their history and studying the ways in which they have come into direct contact with the city.


In 2024, the relationship with Germany and German culture will be analyzed, examined through a rich program of events that are not limited to a single field: starting from literature, moving to architecture, and arriving at culinary recipes.


On May 25, it will be music’s turn. The wonderful Church of S. M. Elisabetta will host soprano Marina Bontempelli, whose voice will accompany the organ notes played by Giovanni Ferrari.

All information can be found here.

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Tempio votivo lido venezia
Pellestrina Venezia
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