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The magical night of the summer solstice lands at the Lido


Lido embraces art

Art Night is the annual Venetian night dedicated to art that since 2011 has breathed new life into the Saturday closest to the summer solstice, ensuring the extraordinary opening of the most famous palaces scattered throughout the Lagoon. It unfolds as a true marathon of events, all free of charge, illuminating the city and offering visitors the unmissable opportunity to admire Venice’s vast artistic heritage under its stars.


On June 22, Simonetta Busulini’s project will open the doors of Villa Pannonia, welcoming an elaborate site-specific performance. Conceived by Susanna Fiori, in collaboration with Lorenzo Benvenuti and Valentina Vaccher, it will express the enchantments that the world of plants can lend to the magical realm of visual art. The artist’s goal is to provoke reflection on how knowledge generates respect, starting from the analysis of the relationships that plants establish in nature and their ability to communicate and support each other, sharing parts of themselves in exchange for the possibility of survival. The sharing of one’s environment in such an intimate and intense manner can prompt reflection on a possible analogy with the human context, and it is precisely here that Susanna Fiori aims to ignite deep thoughts and reflections in the minds of the spectators.


Until late into the night, it will be possible to visit two other exhibitions. The first is the temporary exhibition organized by the Menotti Art Festival Spoleto, featuring participants from around the world, presenting the works of Lorenzo Ludi, with textured paintings created by molding color directly with hands and fingertips. Concurrently, there will be an exhibition by Alvise D’Alpaos, rich in sculptures that cast flowers in a different light, perfectly blending nature and artifice.


All information can be found here.

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